
Caution During Back-to-School

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And They Are Back!

After a year of the kids out of school they are finally going back.  But with the new school year comes a need for increased caution.  AAA is reminding drivers that there could be possible changes in school zones, along with a need for driver’s to reexamine school zone rules.

AAA’s Best Tips for Driver’s Include;

  • Making sure to slow down in all school areas
  • Eliminate distractions while driving
  • Make sure to obey traffic signs in schools zones
  • Be sure to expect the unexpected!

New School Rules Require More Caution

With new staggered schedules, social distancing, and staffing shortages it means longer periods of transport for students.  More students also may be biking or walking to school due to these changes as well.  Students will also be required in most cases to wear masks.  Sometimes these masks create visual impairments for students.  AAA concludes that such changes in the normal routine can leave more room for accidents to take place.


It’s also the law for drivers to stop for school buses with an extended stop and flashing red lights, no matter which direction they are coming from.  Drivers should remain stopped until everything is clear and the bus begins to move again.

A Safe Year

With extra caution this year and a refresher on the rules,  we’ll make this school year a safe and prosperous one! Watch out for those kids over the coming months.