
Quick Tips To Maximize Safety As We Reopen

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As many states reopen, even as cases of COVID-19 continue to rise,  a new normal is emerging.  Maintaining safety for everyone in this phase of the pandemic requires local governments to be both proactive and reactive, evolving with the pandemic as it changes.  Here are some quick tips help maximize safety as we reopen.


Prioritize Space for Pedestrians and Cyclists

With more people wary of public transportation’s close quarters and tired of being cooped up inside, walking and biking have surged in popularity. This is leading sidewalks and bike lanes to become overcrowded in many places .

Combat this issue by using delineators to establish new bike lanes or upgrade existing ones to promote greater safety. You can also leverage barricades to shut down sections of streets for vehicles, providing cyclists and pedestrians with more space.

Be Proactive About Hotspots

Places where crowds tend to congregate are clearly at risk for the spread of the coronavirus, so use your existing knowledge of crowd density and movement patterns in your area to address problems before they happen. Direct foot traffic to less busy routes to popular destinations and limit entry to well-traveled stairwells and elevators, for example. If you’re in an urban area, consider temporarily reducing the maximum capacity on city buses if possible.

Encourage Citizens to Maintain Distance in Public Places

As states reopen, many people have begun flooding to formerly closed parks, beaches and other government-managed spaces. While some people are still trying to social distance as they enjoy these areas, many are not, which puts everyone around them in danger. Encourage people to stay six feet apart with well-placed signs promoting social distancing at key public places to tackle this issue.

Focus on Communication

While many governments have already spent the last several weeks ramping up their communication efforts, that work will become even more important as pandemic-related guidelines change more rapidly due to rises and spikes in the spread of the coronavirus. Step up your social media communications, direct people to a specific number for pandemic-related questions or start a weekly online newsletter with relevant updates. Well-timed communication will reassure people during this high-stress time.

Get the latest on the Center for Disease Control’s coronavirus safety guidelines for communities here >