

HeatAlert™ systems can be installed indoors or outdoors in all types of work environments to visually alert management, staff, and visitors that hazardous heat conditions exist.  These standards have been established by NOAA/OHSA and whenever dangerous conditions are detected, personnel must follow standard operating protocols to protect themselves from heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and other heat related injuries. HeatAlert™ will monitor temperature and humidity, using wet bulb/dry bulb algorithms, convert the reading to Heat Index (NOAA/OSHA standard), alerting you and your employees when it is at moderate risk (amber flashing LED), and high risk (red flashing LED).


The benefit of using HeatAlert™systems is that the heat index (combination of temperature and humidity) is monitored continuously in real-time and when the heat index reaches a dangerous level the HeatAlert™ system immediately produces an easily seen and recognized visual alert.  Audible warning alarms are ineffective in some work environments, but an enhanced visual LED strobe light warning will be instantly seen and recognized

HeatAlert Type

Indoor, Outdoor, Outdoor with Stand


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