
Vehicle Arresting Barrier

SKU: 16100750 Category:

Product Description

The Dragnet System is an arresting type of attenuator that will provide a safe, controlled stop with a minimum damage to the impacting vehicle, regardless of speed or vehicle size. The Dragnet System, with its ability to span any road width, is ideal for utilization in work zones, truck emergency run-off ramps, median openings, “T” intersections and other road closures. When mounted on towers, the Dragnet System offers the safest and most economical protection for RR crossings, reversible lanes, and movable bridges.








  • Designed for 1,800 lb. cars as well as 80,000 lb. trucks.
  • Can be adapted to any road width required.
  • Can safely and easily handle angle hits.
  • Can be restored quickly and easily following an impact.
  • Offers extremely low cost-per-hit.
  • Federally approved for highway applications.
  • Can be installed in minutes.

The Dragnet Vehicle Arresting Barrier, (or “VAB”) consists of a net with a continuous cable running through the top and bottom, both ends of which are attached to customized “energy absorbers”. These energy absorbers contain a spool of coiled steel alloy tape. The tape is lead through a series of offset steel pins contained in the energy absorbers. As the net is hit, the metal tape is pulled through the pins, constantly bending and straightening the tape.

The metal deformation causes the smooth, safe deceleration of the vehicle. By changing the gauge of the metal tape and the configuration of the pins, a barrier can be designed to handle any situation, from an 1,800 pound car to an 80,000 pound tractor trailer.



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